Still growing, the European recycling rate for paper and board has reached 72% in 2019

While the consumption of paper and board is decreasing in Europe, the collection of paper for recycling (graphic papers + packaging) has been maintained at high levels.
Sources: ERPC / CEPI
Paper is an exceptional bio-based material: cellulose fibre is not only natural and renewable, but also recyclable several times!
The European Paper Recycling Council confirms that the overall recycling rate of paper in Europe continued to grow in 2019 to reach 72%! Progress continues to reach the target of 74% in 2020.
Angelika Christ, President of the European Paper Recycling Council declares: “The increase in the rate to 72% shows that paper recycling is not only a promise, but is already today a model of circularity and a strong contributor to the European Green Deal ”.
Sources: ERPC / CEPI – ERPC 2019 report to download here
The paper – cardboard is the most recycled packaging material in Europe at 85%!
Fibres can be recycled up to 7 times , to manufacture new packaging.
Sources: ERPC / CEPI

85% of paper & board packaging is actually recycled today in Europe: this is the highest rate of all packaging materials (metal, glass, plastic).
The fibres used to make paper and board are natural and renewable:
- recycled fibres
- virgin fibres, from thinning wood (silvicultural operations necessary for the maintenance and growth of forests) and related products of the wood industry (sawmill waste)
Our commitments
- We only use PEFC- (PEFC / 10-31-2306) or FSC®-certified (FSC-C102095) paper and board, with virgin fibres from sustainably managed forests or recycled fibres.
- All our paper bags and cups are RECYCLABLE in the paper waste stream!