Our news
Renewal of BRC certification
Our BRC certification ihas been renewed: this demanding standard guarantees our customers the highest level of hygiene…
Single-use or reusable? A European LCA challenges common perception that reusable tableware has lower environmental impacts: it does not!
A new European study carried out by the international firm Ramboll and certified by TÜV (ISO…
Burger King chooses Earth Cup®, the recyclable and home compostable paper cup
Burger King announces responsible commitment thanks to our new Earth Cup®, an innovation developed and manufactured…
Earth Cup®, the home compostable paper cup
Eco-responsible innovation Earth Cup ® is the first monomaterial paper cup WITHOUT a PE liner, which is…
Paper & board, recycling champions!
Still growing, the European recycling rate for paper and board has reached 72% in 2019 While…
100% fiber-based innovative range of products
CEE Packaging Solutions is committed to its customers to provide them with adapted solutions that respect…
October 18, European Paper Bag Day
We are proud to celebrate the 3rd European Paper Bag Day with our employees and local…